High Scores

Email me your scores this season.  If you think it’s worth mentioning, I will put you in here.  If you bowl your first 600 series, let me know, that’s worth mentioning.  Please include your name, scores bowled, and where you bowled it.  If you shoot 300 or 800, let me know how many you have and your highest series ever so I can include you on the Galka’s Hall of Fame Page.


Shaun “Storm Man” Ciesielski

215+288+*300* = *803*  AMF Classic Lanes with Storm’s X-Factor Deuce 1st Game, Storm’s Hot Rod 2nd & 3rd Game

This was my 6th Sanctioned 300 (2nd this season) and 1st Sanctioned 800 Series.  I found those few pins I was looking for that I couldn’t find with my 2-799’s J


248+*300*+216 = 764  Ray’s Lanes with Storm’s Overseas ball PDW Pete Weber

This was my 3rd 300 of the year in the last 2 months.  7th Sanctioned 300, 13th overall!


205+269+280 = 754  Ray’s Lanes with Storm’s X-Factor Deuce

268+224+249 = 740  Centennial Lanes with Storm’s El Nino 2000

206+267+248 = 721  AMF Classic Lanes with Storm’s Hot Rod

279+237+197 = 703  Ray’s Lanes with Storm’s Hot Rod and X-Factor Deuce

701  AMF Classic Lanes with Storm’s X-Factor


Ray Freeland

279+244+279 = *802* Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity

This was his 1st 800 Series!

257+225+279 = 761  Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity

243+247+269 = 759  Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity

233+243+268 = 744  Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity

246+244+238 = 728  Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity

278 / 706  Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity

246+238+216 = 700  Hobart Lanes with Ebonite’s Apex Intensity


Becky Walkowiak

*801* with Storm’s Shock Trauma


Sean Jackson

258+*298*+244 = *800*  Stardust III

This was his 1st sanctioned 800 series!


Bill Boehrnsen

*300*  AMF Classic Lanes with Columbia’s Classic Rock

This was his first 300 game!


John Ganz

*300* Lynwood Bowl with Storm’s Trauma Cinnamon

This was his 3rd sanctioned 300 game!


Jesse Bates

*300* Cressmoor with Storm’s Trauma Recovery

This was his 1st 300 game!


Mike Starzak

*300* Glenwood Bowl with Ebonite’s Apex


Ed “Mr. 299” Schieve

299 Stardust III with Track’s Freak Out.

This was his 6th 299 hence the name Mr. 299.


Glenn Wayman

773  Glenwood Bowl with Ebonite’s Apex Red/Blue

751  Glenwood Bowl with Ebonite’s Apex Red/Blue  
742   Oak Forest Bowl with Ebonite’s  Apex Red/Blue

725  Oak Forest Bowl with Ebonite’s  Apex Red/Blue
714   Tinley Bowl with Ebonite’s Matrix Dynasty


Lindsey Siegel

252+266+254 = 772  Hawthorn Lanes with Roto Grip’s Silver Streak Black

This was her highest series ever!


Scott Jablonski

233+246+289 = 768  with Storm’s El Nino Gold

241+255+244 = 740 with Ebonite’s Apex Adrenaline

278+223+226 = 727  with Storm’s El Nino Gold


Aaron Smith

214+290+259 = 763  YABA Stardust III with Ebonite’s Red Wolf

248+234+237 = 719  Stardust I WestLake Conference High School Sectionals

He placed 2nd at the WestLake Conference High School Sectionals


Matt Margulin

211+263+289 = 763  Oak Forest with Storm’s Core Power LRG Banana


Dave Aguilar

236+270+252 = 758  Lynwood Bowl with Storm’s X-Factor

255+216+247 = 718  Lynwood Bowl with Storm’s X-Factor

224+212+279 = 715 Glenwood with Storm’s X-Factor

227+256+225 = 708  Glenwood with Storm’s X-Factor

209+259+232 = 700  Glenwood with Storm’s X-Factor

211+226+258 = 695  Lynwood Bowl with Storm’s Trauma Recovery


Jermo Sauls

268+189+268 = 725  AMF Classic Lanes with Columbia’s Icon 2

243+235+231 = 709  Oak Forest with Track’s EZ Money

247+190+266 = 703  Oak Forest with Track’s EZ Money


Mike Smado

233+240+252 = 725  Oak Forest with Track’s Rev Master

256+215+241 = 712  AMF Classic Lanes with Track’s Rev Master


“Tiger” Tony Tanet

212+220+289 = 721  Orland Bowl with Columbia’s Rock Pearl, Outrage, Storm’s Thunder Road and Tour Power.

264+216+236 = 716  Lakewood Bowl with Storm’s El Nino Gold and Columbia’s Reaction RIP


Les Jones

180+279+257 = 716  Stardust II with Storm’s Shock Trauma

234+232+237 = 703  Stardust II with Storm’s Shock Trauma

181+278+244 = 703  Stardust II with Storm’s Shock Trauma


Mandy Champion

205+206+236 = 647  Plaza Lanes with Columbia’s WOW!


Sandy Osborne

246+174+225 = 645


Leanne Gluckleder

181+265+172 = 618  AMF Classic Lanes with Columbia’s Complete Chaos

This was her highest game and series and first 600 series!


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